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Showing posts from January, 2010

Phylogenetically structured variance in felid bite force: the role of phylogeny in the evolution of biting performance

I have been too busy lately. Firstly because I started a postdoc and settling down etc takes up some time. But also, I've been revising a manuscript on dinosaur jaw biomechanics that came back from review; I am currently struggling with a method new to me that one of the reviewers suggested I use. But before all this happened, I was pretty much occupied by this single paper that finally came out online: Phylogenetically structured variance in felid bite force: the role of phylogeny in the evolution of biting performance. I checked the dates on this submission and it was received by the Journal of Evolutionary Biology on 22 January 2009, and accepted 30 November 2009, but didn't become available on EarlyView until 14 January 2010. The actual print date is March 2010. So a year since submission. And three rounds of review in between. Phew. This was based on a chapter from my thesis that I thought was fairly robust and well-written that it would be the easiest chapter to conv...